Copyediting Assignment

Client: United Nations Development Programme

Strengthening Environmental Governance for Sustainable Natural Resource Management is a comprehensive 51-page report providing an insightful overview and analysis of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Global Program results. Authored by a diverse group, including non-native English speakers, I was enlisted to ensure linguistic coherence and clarity through meticulous copyediting and proofreading.

Employing UN (European) English standards, my role involved refining syntax, correcting word usage errors, and enhancing overall coherence. Utilizing Microsoft Word's track changes and commenting tools, I meticulously edited the document, highlighting errors, posing queries, and offering suggestions.

Adhering to the UN in-house style guide, I meticulously scrutinized the report for tone, voice, spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, and stylistic consistency. By implementing these measures, I ensured that the final report not only met linguistic standards but also conveyed its message with precision and clarity.


Sample: Proofreading


Sample: Writing